Bridging the Gap to Better Experiences.

Qasim Brown is a Visual & Product Designer with 5+ years of experience in streamlining workflows and building intuitive interfaces in EdTech, Internal Operations, Admin Tools, and beyond.  Learn more about him here.


Design Systems

Figma/Sketch/Adobe Illustrator

User Research




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Visual Design / UX / User Research

Providing K-12 Teachers with a Full-year English Curriculum Solution

With CommonLit 360, we were able to introduce English teachers to a fully formed English curriculum in an easy, delightful interface.

Visual Design / UX / User Research / Product Strategy

Improving Platform Adoption with Enhanced Roles and Permissions

With the Roles and Permissions tool, we handed over management of access controls to our client admins.

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Visual Design / UX / User Research / Product Strategy

Driving Client Retention Through Optimizing Staff Access to Student Data

With the Staff Access tool, we created a solution that gives clients control over the data their support staff have access to.